Advocating for
Substance Use Prevention
Policy solutions are needed to respond to the opioid and substance use crisis. Information, data points, policies, and resources on this page were curated to help advocates learn and take action on policy to prevent substance use.
Substance use affects individuals, their families, and extended communities.
Overdose deaths are on the rise.
Substance use costs the U.S. economy an estimated $740 billion annually.
Alcohol use is the third leading cause of preventable death.
Marginalized communities face the greatest barriers to accessing care and burdens of disease.
Learn more about Substance Use
Data to Power Your Advocacy
We can transform our policies, systems, and environments to provide the vital community conditions that all people need to be free from substance misuse. Below are policy aims and example policies and programs to address substance misuse.
Prevention Policies
Implementing proactive measures to prevent substance misuse through education and regulation.
Expand Access to Treatment
Increasing the availability of evidence-based treatment options for individuals with substance use disorders.
Harm Reduction Strategies
Reducing the negative consequences associated with substance misuse through targeted interventions.
Diversion Programs, Substance Use Prevention, and Mass Liberation
Policies that expand diversion programs provide a systems-level solution to multiple pressing challenges of our time, including mass incarceration and the substance use crisis. Diversion programs minimize people’s involvement with the justice system by providing alternatives to arrest, prosecution, and incarceration. For people with mental health and substance use conditions, diversion programs offer treatment and recovery services as an alternative to jail time or other penalties. The benefits of these programs are multiple: 1) more appropriate care with better outcomes for people with mental health and substance use conditions; 2) long-term community safety and lower recidivism; and 3) reduced criminal justice system and health care costs.
Browse on PHERN

Treatment Alternatives to Prison

Proposed Opioid Pre-Authorization Policy in Utah

Raising the Legal Tobacco Purchase and Use Age to 21 in Utah
Policies and information contained in this module are based on the Public Health Policy Information Sheet which was prepared by WE Public Health, LLC for the American Public Health Association and Public Health AmeriCorps.