This guide acts as a resource for correctional and detentional facilities on how to ensure that people with substance use disorder have access to post-release c...
This written story discusses how the COVID-19 pandemic has affected people of color and how data, like infection, hospitalization, and death rates, show how dis...
This webpage features resources, presentations and guidance for people who work and reside in prisons, jails and detention centers.
This article focuses on racial inequities in correctional facilities and examines how these health inequities have been aggravated by the COVID-19 pandemic.
This webpage provides an overview of health equity in the context of COVID-19 and a collection of toolkits, articles, webinars, and more on how to promote fair ...
This article focuses on the increase in deaths by suicide, homicide, and intoxication in state prisons; according to the data released by the Bureau of Justice ...
This report makes the case for reforming the justice system and incarceration policies. It examines use of imprisonment in ten countries, presents the health ri...
This post makes the case for promoting prison reform by examining not only human rights considerations but also the impact of imprisonment on families and commu...
This webpage provides a compilation of articles, videos, books, podcasts, and more on the public health issue of prison abolition.
This blog post discusses the public health consequences of incarceration in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic and acts as a call to action for investing in p...
This blog post makes the case for prison abolition and explains why it is a public health necessity. It also lays out more effective alternatives to incarcerati...
Incarceration is now often cited as a means of correcting behavior, at which it is remarkably ineffectual given the high rates of recidivism in the U.S. Systemi...
This set of guidelines are intended to assist behavioral health and corrections, and community corrections administrators in their ability to develop effective ...
This site lays out a platform for COVID-19 emergency response in a way that supports freedom, health, and collective care, and actively resists the prison indus...
This webpage lays out a platform for COVID-19 emergency response in a way that supports freedom, health, and collective care, and actively resists the prison in...
Connecticut, Michigan, Mississippi, Rhode Island, and South Carolina have reduced their prison populations between 14-25% over the past decade. This report exam...
This article looks at the gap between healthcare need and access for people living with HIV. When they walk out of prison, they leave with up to a month’s...
This podcast and article features the efforts of the Rhode Island Department of Corrections. They hold group therapy sessions that are part of a $2 million prog...