Protecting Public Health Authority and Advocacy


This toolkit is designed to equip users with resources they need to support an effective advocacy campaign to protect public health. Explore resources including:

  • Fact sheets on public health authority
  • Communications tools and strategies| Refine your communications to effectively advocate for public health within your networks, communities and with elected officials
  • Engaging partners with a variety of differing views
  • Legislative and litigation tracking| These legislative and litigation tracking databases and summaries are great resources to look back on trends in the 2022 & 2023 sessions
  • Advocacy Strategies

Search for resources associated with Public Health Authority and Advocacy

Worksheet: Message Development

This worksheet outlines effective message development that is used in advocacy. It offers a description of how to create these messages while providing some...

Power Tools

This website contains a wide array of tools and resources that can be used for advocacy and campaigning. Some of these resources include: planning tools, coa...

Legislative Alerts

This website provides legislative updates from the federal government. The resources are centered around the implications of governmental affairs with state...

Campaign Resource Library

This resource library offers a wide array of resources relating to disciplines of public health that can be used in campaigns. Some topics include: media adv...

Power Mapping for Public Health Advocacy

This video discusses power mapping in the public health advocacy sphere. Christine Compton of Voices for Healthy Kids shares how to build your capacity to ad...

The NACCHO Advocacy Toolkit

This toolkit is a comprehensive introduction to governmental affairs advocacy. It offers explanations of different types of engagement, congressional timelin...

Preemption Message Manual

This toolkit discusses the importance of preemption and helps users advocate for local decision-making. It includes audience motivations and concerns, tested...

Advocacy for Public Health

The American Public Health Association provides advocacy resources related to voting, Congressional engagement, policy statements, and resources explaining k...

Becoming Better Messengers

This website contains various resources and tools that relate to effective messaging in public health environments to create meaningful dialogue. The website...

FrameWorks: Government

This website discusses how to approach communication oriented around the government and policy. It contains various articles, reports, and toolkits on how to...

FrameWorks: Human Services

This website discusses human services and how to communicate about them. The website contains various toolkits, reports, and recommendations on how to approa...

What is Public Health Authority FAQ

This website provides an introduction to public health authority, including key definitions and explainations of public health concepts, threats to public he...

FrameWorks: Evidence-Based Policymaking

FrameWorks provides a resource hub for evidence-based policymaking and communications support. The website includes guides and webinars regarding reframing s...

Public Health Advocacy: The Basics

This webinar explains public health authority and legislation related to lobbying and advocacy for public health professionals. The web page includes additio...

Making the Case for Public Health

This webinar includes resources for communicating the importance of public health infrastructure to prevent limits to public health authority. The resource i...

Campaign Toolkits: Preemption

This guide provides advocacy materials for public health preemption. The resource introduces preemption and provides guides for recruitment, engagement, and...

Fundamentals of Preemption

This fact sheet provides summarizes the main types of preemption and how it operates. The authors provide various examples of preemption to understand how th...

State Action on Coronavirus (COVID-19)

This data tool provided by the National Conference of State Legislatures culminates and tracks all bills relating to COVID that entered state legislatures. T...

Vaccinate With Confidence

Vaccine Voices is a website promoting vaccine acceptance by sharing personal stories and experiences related to vaccines. It includes video testimonies, reso...

Monkeypox: What You Need to Know

This webpage provides a compilation of essential information currently known about monkeypox. It includes resources for the public, advocacy purposes, and cl...

COVID-19 Tribal Advocacy Tools

This advocacy toolkit is intended to support messaging on COVID-19 and related legislation to promote health in tribal communities.

Coronavirus Equity Considerations

This webpage provides access to an NAACP report that outlines equity considerations related to the COVID-19 pandemic and links to resources, recommendations,...

Wellbeing Trust COVID-19 Archives

This Well Being Trust collection contains stories, updates, and resources on social engagement, mental health, policy and advocacy, and well-being during the...

Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders

“Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders” is a phrase describing several aggregated demographics—or multiple distinct, diverse groups of p...
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