State, and Regional Affiliates: Take Action

Affiliates are State Public Health Associations

Affiliates are led by public health professionals, volunteers, and advocates who are passionate about advancing public health and health equity. They are independently established and have their own infrastructure, policies, processes and procedures, but they champion the same goals as APHA does at a national level.

Affiliates play a critical role in advocating for the public’s health

Affiliates are important advocates for health and equity in their states and beyond. They:

    • Educate the public and policymakers about the importance of public health and the need for strong public health laws and adequate funding
    • Advocate for legislation that protects public health authority 
    • Engage in public health education and outreach campaigns to raise awareness 
    • Build coalitions and collaborate with multisectoral partners to advance public health

Affiliates engage in a variety of advocacy activities

  1. Develop a policy agenda ahead of a legislative session
  2. Share information about the potential impact of a bill on public health and equity with stakeholders and decision-makers
  3. Educate members about advocacy
  4. Host a Capitol Hill Day to bring awareness to a specific issue or bill
  5. Mobilize members to contact decision-makers
  6. Testify at public hearings on legislation related to/impacting public health 
  7. Write op-eds and letters to the editor
  8. Create fact sheets and issue briefs
  9. Submit comments on regulatory issues

Lobbying versus advocacy

Lobbying involves communication with a government official or employee (legislator or anyone who participates in forming legislation) that reflects a point of view on a specific piece of legislation, administrative action, or regulation. Lobbying activities may be restricted by a funder or a state or local law, and most non-profit 501(c)(3) organizations cannot exceed spending more than 20% of their budget on lobbying. Affiliates are restricted in their ability to lobby.

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