This resource provides a legislative history and analysis of the National School Lunch Act of 1946. It examines its development, debates, amendments, and impact...
This resource provides technical assistance, training, and resources for OT21-2103 grant recipients as part of the National Initiative to Address COVID-19 Healt...
This resource delves into Indiana’s increase in public health spending by 1,500 percent in 2023 amidst strained trust in governmental public health nation...
This resource examines revenue diversification in public health departments before and during the COVID-19 pandemic. It highlights patterns in revenue sources a...
This resource outlines a proposal for a 100-hour interactive online curriculum to address the gap in advocacy education within public health school curricula. I...
This resource represents a data source on Local Health Departments (LHDs). The study describes the funding, staffing, governance, and activities of LHDs across ...
This guide can serve as a starting point for those who need assistance to begin the grant writing process. It will cover tips on searching for rural-specific fu...
The Rural Philanthropy Toolkit focuses on preparing for partnerships with philanthropies, conducting outreach to philanthropies, and establishing and sustaining...
The Center for Rural Health’s Grant Writing created an outline that provides rural communities with the information, resources, and materials they need to...
Candid Learning offers in-person or online training and special events from their training experts and peers in the field. Training and special event topics inc...
This story highlights a nonprofit’s experience of racial bias being part of the philanthropic and grantmaking process. The result is that nonprofit o...
This article dicusses the Healthiest Cities and Counties Challenge, a funding opportunity that strives to fund multisector work differently to better support lo...
The third in the CDC Foundation’s Lights, Camera, Action: The Future of Public Health series, this summit brought together nearly 1,500 participants that ...
This report tracks federal, state, and local investment in public health and how underinvestment in public health programs impacted the COVID-19 response, exace...
This report discusses how investments in public health not only improve the health of society but also advance equity and foster economic and climate resiliency...
This data story provides charts that compare payments from the Coronavirus Relief Fund and the State and Local Fiscal Recovery Fund for the top 15 states.
In Inside Philanthropy, PHI president and CEO Mary Pittman describes working with California philanthropies to form Together Toward Health, to support COVID-19 ...
This website provides information on the relief efforts and grants The National Basketball Players Association Foundation has made related to the COVID-19 pande...
This guide is intended for school districts and highlights steps that they can take to make data-informed decisions on how to use COVID-19 relief funds to suppo...