A Campaign for Dignity and Respect

This resource is about how Step Up Louisiana and the New Orleans Health Department utilized an inside-outside strategy to successfully advocate for a Workers’ Bill of Rights in New Orleans, improving economic and health outcomes for low-wage workers.

Supporting Equitable Community Engagement

This resource guides state health departments on supporting equitable and inclusive community engagement to address social determinants of health and reduce health inequities.

Ready to Advance Health Equity

This resource focuses on enhancing the capacity of state, tribal, local, and territorial health departments to use law and policy to address social determinants of health and advance health equity.

Health Equity Policy Framework

This resource guides efforts to advance health equity and dismantle structural racism in Massachusetts, offering a roadmap for policy development, community partnerships, and organizational practices. 

Commercial Determinants of Health

The Lancet series examines how commercial practices, including marketing, lobbying, and political influence by corporations, affect public health, emphasizing the need for policies to mitigate these “commercial determinants of health” and protect...
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