10 Essential Public Health Services
Investigate, diagnose, and address population health problems and hazards

Equity & Systems
Public health surveillance systems can prioritize equity by:
- Engaging communities when developing or modifying data collection tools
- Improving the collection of equity-related data
- Considering indigenous data, sovereignty principles, and identity protection
Public Health in Action
Healthcare providers are required to report serious diseases and conditions, like COVID-19 and chlamydia cases, to state and local public health officials. This information helps Public Health understand disease prevalence and spread to control outbreaks. During the COVID-19 Pandemic, public health entities gathered data from hospitals, health departments, and providers to develop data resources to monitor and control COVID-19 transmission.
Develop a flexible data pipeline to receive case data and simplify case reporting and other case surveillance modernization strategies
Adhere to international ethical guidelines on surveillance to eliminate privacy, discrimination, and stigmatization concerns
Use emerging tools to improve data availability, quality, and timeliness
Reflection Questions
- What additional sectors or community groups might Public Health collaborate with during a disease outbreak?
- How can Public Health advance equity as part of surveillance activities?