This book is a collection of essays, interviews, and speeches that connect global struggles against state violence, oppression, and incarceration, emphasizing B...
This resource focuses on the IHI Triple Aim framework for optimizing health by improving patient care, health outcomes, and cost-efficiency.
This resource examines how US courts have increasingly constrained public health legal powers during the COVID-19 pandemic, particularly regarding mitigation or...
This webpage details the Healthiest Cities and Counties Challenge (HCCC), in which 20 project teams in communities across the nation are awarded grants to ...
This training aims to support bilingual and multilingual community members in reducing health information barriers by sharing vital health information with peop...
This report shares the arc of the pandemic for Black Americans, synthesizes data from multiple sources alongside lived experience, highlights areas for immediat...
This guide is intended as a resource for school leaders to help them discuss, develop, and implement plans for returning to on-campus learning.
This webpage provides information on the addition of COVID-19 data from the US territories to the Health Equity Tracker. The Health Equity Tracker is a database...
This resource provides detailed recommendations for the equitable distribution of COVID-19 vaccines to children ages 5-11 years old.
This tool provides four checklists and a resources list that camp and youth program administrators can use to operate camps while preventing the spread of COVID...
This tool facilitates a conversation between health departments and homeless service providers during the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic.
This toolkit is designed for public health officials, K-12 administrators, school district officials, and occupational safety and health (OSH) professionals to ...
This webpage provides information on how to prevent and reduce transmission and maintain healthy business operations in non-healthcare workplaces.
This webpage provides COVID-19 guidance supporting tribal community members, leaders, and tribal partners.
This webpage offers recommendations to help tribal communities, elders, and leaders decide how best to keep their communities safe and prevent the spread of COV...
This webpage highlights which states have adopted mandates and which populations are subject to the mandates
This webpage provides strategies to reduce the spread of COVID-19 and maintain safe operations in schools, child care programs, and institutions of higher educa...
This webpage provides information on how to prevent the spread of COVID-19 in shared or congregated housing.
This webpage provides resources for nonprofits in communities facing COVID-19 based on CDC guidelines of how we should be operating.
This resource includes links to COVID-19 mitigation guidance for specific sectors, as well as tools that communities and facilities can use to assess, improve, ...
This report outlines a framework for COVID-19 mitigation that emphasizes the need for effective, two-way communication with health officials and communities aff...
This resource is intended for public health and labor authorities, businesses, employers, workers, and their representatives at the national, local, and workpla...
This webpage is regularly updated with information and resources that nonprofits can use to prepare and respond to COVID-19.
This webpage provides resources to support people experiencing homelessness during COVID-19.
This guidance emphasizes implementing layered prevention strategies to protect students, teachers, staff, visitors, and other members of their households and su...
This webpage provides a searchable list of CDC guidance regarding COVID-19. It also includes a comprehensive review of CDC’s existing COVID-19 guidance to...
This website describes goals, guiding principles, and strategies for non-pharmaceutical community mitigation of COVID-19 transmission that can be adopted by a c...
This webpage details the analysis of global and domestic COVID-19 community mitigation responses in order to develop and disseminate practical, evidence-ba...
This webpage details how can the nation respond in the short term to keep all people safe and the economy afloat? What policies could help all of us recover in ...
This webpage outlines technical guidance around coronavirus. The resources are grouped by topics including critical preparedness, surveillance, clinical care, n...
This webpage features resources, presentations and guidance for people who work and reside in prisons, jails and detention centers.
This webpage outlines a tool used to provide the data that state, local, tribal, and territorial (SLTT) government officials need to adjust community mitigation...
This webpage provides considerations for ways community-based organizations can help protect individuals and communities and slow the spread of COVID-19.
This webpage provides information for public health professionals regarding the mitigation of COVID-19 at the community level. Guidance for case investigation, ...
This webpage list several documents related to topics on restaurant closures, school closures, limits on mass gatherings, and maps to show mitigation practices ...
This webpage provides information on how to stay safe while engaging in activities or gathering indoors during the COVID-19 pandemic.
This report discusses the role of schools in transmission and the value of school closure.
This report provides guidance on the health-related issues for safely reopening schools and the practices that should be implemented in order to maintain and mo...
This report provides a collection of stories from communities responding to the COVID-19 pandemic. The reader gets an introduction to nine communities, their so...
This science brief provides information on how to provide safe, supportive learning environments for children and adolescents and how to employ teachers and oth...
The document is intended for public health and labour authorities, businesses, employers, workers and their representatives at the national, local and workplace...
This chart provides links to key reopening orders and/or mitigation measures affecting the private sector issued at the statewide level.
This journal article examines the role of public health scientific guidelines in the adjudication of legal challenges to mandatory orders adopted as part of the...
This research article provides model-driven and data-supported mitigation strategies for reopening schools that closed during the COVID-19 pandemic.
This journal article investigates how mitigation strategies and compliance can work together (or in opposition) to reduce (or increase) the spread of infection.
This journal article details community mitigation strategies for addressing COVID-19.
This journal article details the experiences of Black and Latinx communities during the COVID-19 pandemic, and how are these experiences associated with their p...
This journal article highlights strategies for COVID-19 testing, surveillance, and mitigation at the national level.
This guide is designed to help employers protect workers who are unvaccinated, including people who are not fully vaccinated.
This document aims to establish a foundation of ideas and recommendations for nonprofits to use during COVID-19 in collaboration with clients and partners.
This webpage provides guidance to help World Health Organization member states assess the COVID-19 pandemic at national and sub-national levels, as well as key ...
This fact sheet provides evidence that schools can safely open for in-person learning during the pandemic provided they use layered mitigation measures.
This blog post introduces important information about social distancing and discusses the legal authority for implementing social distancing as a mitigation mea...
This blog details how the University of California system established guidance and protocols to reduce campus infection rates
This blog details what public health leaders need to know about the legal issues regarding quarantine and isolation during COVID-19.
This blog details the tips that tribal communities can follow during COVID-19.
This website provides a collection of resources and tools for community participation in public health efforts around the COVID-19 pandemic. Virtual tools are a...
This webpage offers instructions on how children, pregnant women, older adults, people with chronic diseases, disabilities, and mental health disorders can appr...
This webpage provides a collection of reports, journal articles, and other resources on science and research related to COVID-19.
This webpage provides a collection of maps, graphs, and figures about COVID-19 from leading organizations around the United States.
This article discusses the need for and potential of partnerships between private organizations and governments to develop surveillance systems in order to prev...
This chart is intended to help state, territory, local, and tribal governments with COVID-19 efforts. It provides a short overview of indicators of success and ...
This webpage focuses on healthcare workers and provides guidance and information on how to care for patients, prevent and control COVID-19, safely operate healt...
This webpage provides guidance, strategies, and information on how to protect the health of students teachers, staff, employees, vulnerable groups, and communit...
This webpage provides the latest information about how hospital and health system leaders can work to protect their health care staff as well as information abo...
This report is intended to help policymakers prepare for future public health emergencies based on lessons learned from the COVID-19 pandemic. It provides ten r...
This document provides guidance on how to develop and implement an equitable vaccine response. It contains information on how to most equitably prioritize vacci...
This article focuses on Families USA’s initiative to help ensure equitable access to COVID-19 vaccines. It highlights the importance of prioritizing vacci...
This article introduces Kaiser Permanente’s equity education campaign, which was launched to provide trusted information on COVID-19 and vaccinations to A...
This webpage introduces Public Health Institute’s Together Toward Health program and provides an overview of their achievements, partners, and projects.
This toolkit provides a variety of communication materials to support COVID-19 data tracking, including social media graphics, data visualizations, videos, and ...
This communications webinar provides advice and guidance on effective messaging for issues related to COVID-19.
This document is intended for workers, their advocates and allies, and policymakers to help ensure worker safety and health during the COVID-19 pandemic. It pro...
This article explains how lessons learned from the HIV pandemic can be applied to the COVID-19 pandemic. It highlights the importance of clear, accurate communi...
This article presents the findings of a study on factors that influence support for COVID-19 mitigation measures, such as social distancing, use of PPE, and con...
This webpage provides a collection of COVID-19 resources, tools, and guidelines for health departments on a variety of topics, including contact tracing, infect...
This article explores how the COVID-19 pandemic has affected farmworkers in the U.S. with regard to occupational risk, financial insecurity, workplace safety, a...
This journal article examines houseless shelter characteristics and infection prevention practices in relation to COVID-19 infection prevalence during universal...
This policy brief focuses on how historic maltreatment of communities of color and tribal nations, along with current day structural racism, have created distru...
This resource hub highlights useful resources from governmental public health, academia, think tanks, and nonprofits to support local health departments in desi...
This webinar focuses on how to leverage school health policies to support children’s health and learning during COVID-19, including access to healthy meal...
This webpage provides a compilation of resources to support school leaders and communities in navigating the coronavirus, and the resulting effects of the pande...
This webpage provides a compilation of technical guidance for countries on a variety of topics, including: critical preparedness, readiness, and response action...
This site lays out a platform for COVID-19 emergency response in a way that supports freedom, health, and collective care, and actively resists the prison indus...
This article focuses on how Visión y Compromiso is promoting community health and well-being through training and support of promotores and community health wo...
This visualization tool is a comprehensive database of policies and plans to address the COVID-19 pandemic. Decision-makers can use COVID AMP’s interface ...
The COVID-19 pandemic is causing significant disruptions to cities and local communities globally. This guide was developed to provide a decision framework for ...
Every community in the US will be affected by COVID-19 — but the impacts will not be the same in each. This index identifies which communities may need th...
This document provides an overview of community mitigation strategies for slowing the spread of respiratory virus infections.